What is MinIO?
MinIO is an open-source, high-performance object storage solution designed for unstructured data. It is lightweight, scalable, and fully compatible with Amazon S3 APIs, making it an excellent choice for cloud-native applications.
To get started, you’ll need Python (version 3.x), a running MinIO server, and the MinIO Python SDK. Install the SDK using the following command:
pip install minio
Ensure your MinIO server is set up and accessible, either locally or on a network.
Connecting to a MinIO Server
Begin by creating a MinIO client in Python. The Minio
class lets you connect to the server using the access key and secret key:
from minio import Minio
# Initialize MinIO client
client = Minio(
"localhost:9000", # MinIO server address
secure=False # Use True for HTTPS
print("Connected to MinIO!")
Working with Buckets
To manage storage, you’ll often need to create, list, or delete buckets. Here’s how:
Creating a Bucket
To create a new bucket, use the following code:
bucket_name = "my-bucket"
if not client.bucket_exists(bucket_name):
print(f"Bucket '{bucket_name}' created.")
print(f"Bucket '{bucket_name}' already exists.")
Listing Buckets
To list all buckets in your MinIO server, use this code snippet:
buckets = client.list_buckets()
for bucket in buckets:
print(bucket.name, bucket.creation_date)
Deleting a Bucket
To delete a bucket, ensure it is empty, then run the following code:
print(f"Bucket '{bucket_name}' deleted.")
Uploading a File
To upload a file to a bucket, use the fput_object
client.fput_object(bucket_name, "my-object", "path/to/local/file.txt")
print("File uploaded successfully.")
Downloading a File
To download a file from a bucket, use the fget_object
client.fget_object(bucket_name, "my-object", "path/to/save/file.txt")
print("File downloaded successfully.")
Uploading an In-Memory File
You can also upload a file from memory using the following code:
import io
data = io.BytesIO(b"Hello, MinIO!")
client.put_object(bucket_name, "hello.txt", data, length=len(data.getvalue()))
print("In-memory file uploaded.")
Listing Objects in a Bucket
To list all objects in a bucket, use the list_objects
objects = client.list_objects(bucket_name)
for obj in objects:
print(obj.object_name, obj.last_modified, obj.size)
Deleting an Object
To delete an object from a bucket, use the remove_object
client.remove_object(bucket_name, "my-object")
print("Object deleted.")
Generating a Presigned URL
MinIO allows you to generate temporary presigned URLs for accessing objects:
url = client.presigned_get_object(bucket_name, "my-object", expires=3600)
print(f"Presigned URL: {url}")
Security and Performance Tips
For secure and efficient usage, always use HTTPS connections and manage your access credentials wisely. Routinely review and clean up unused resources to maintain an optimized setup.
MinIO, combined with Python, offers a robust and flexible solution for object storage needs. From basic bucket management to advanced features like presigned URLs, it simplifies storage operations for developers. Dive deeper into MinIO’s capabilities and integrate it into your next project!